Annual Retreat of Catholic Priests in Cambodia at Saint Michael Catholic Church of PreahSihanouk Province, Cambodia which is held from June 2-7,2014. 50 of them were presented.
សំណាក់ធម៌ប្រចាំឆ្នាំរបស់បូជាចារ្យព្រះសហគមន៍កាតូលិកទាំងបីភូមិភាគ នៅព្រះសហគមន៍កាតូលិក ខេត្តព្រះសីហនុ ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី ០២ ដល់ ថ្ងៃទី ០៧ ខែមិថុនា ២០១៤ មានបូជាចារ្យចូលរូមប្រមាណ ជា ៥០នាក់។ Annual Retreat of Catholic Priests in Cambodia at Saint Michael Catholic Church of PreahSihanouk Province, Cambodia which is held from June 2-7,2014. 50 of them were presented.
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During the Easter Sunday Mass in Battambang Parish there was twelve (12) people were Baptized by Bishop Kike. The are now the member of the catholic community in Battambang. The Easter vigil mass was presided by Fr. Totet, con celebrant Fr. MARK and D. Br. Ros. The mass was solemn and faithful were taken up by beautiful sermon of Fr. Totet. No doubt, our choir group could draw the attention of all with their melodious singing.
Happy Easter to every one..ALLELUIA ![]() ពិធីអភិបូជាប្រសិទ្ធពរលើប្រេងនៅព្រះសហគមន៌កាតូលិកសន្តយ៉ូសែប (ផ្សារតូច) ដែលមានលោកអភិបាលអូលីយេ លោកអភិបាលអេនរីកេ និង លោកអភិបាល អន់តូនីសាមី និងគ្រីស្តបរិស័ទនៃព្រះសហគមន៍កាតូលិកទាំង៣ភូមិភាគប្រហែលជា ៥០០នាក់ រួមទាំងបូជាចារ្យជាច្រើន ចូលរួមផងដែរកាលពីថ្ងៃទី០៩ មេសា ២០១៤។ On Wednesday morning, 9th April, in Psa Toch Parish in Phnom Penh city, there was a chrism mass which celebrated by all the bishops and priests from the three dioceses. Around 500 Christians attended this mass. Video Link: The sacrament of confirmation completes the sacrament of baptism. If baptism is the sacrament of re-birth to a new and supernatural life, confirmation is the sacrament of maturity and coming of age. The real confession of Christ consist in this 'that the whole man submits himself to Truth, in the judgment of his understanding, in the submission of his will and in the consecration of his whole power of love . . . To do this, poor-spirited man is only able when he has been confirmed by God's grace' This confirmation in the power of the Holy Spirit leading to a firm profession of faith has always been the particular effect which Catholic tradition has ascribed to the sacrament. It is effect which complements and completes that of baptism. Confirmation is a true sacrament instituted by Christ and different from baptism. It is administered by laying-on of hands and anointing with chrism accompanied by prayer. The chrism is blessed by the bishop and the bishop administers the sacrament. All baptized persons can and should be confirmed. The effect of the sacrament of confirmation is to give strength in faith and for the confession of faith and to impress an indelible character.
In Battambang Parish on 19 May 2013 there are 34 youths from the difference communities in Battambang prefecture as Chommoum, Pursat, Nikum, Tahen, Svaysisophon, Snerng, Battambang. Bishop Kike Figarido said “ Today is the special day for all catholic especially for 35 youths who receive the confirmation today. Please all of you pray for yourself in Happiness, Love, showing the words of God to other in your living. Following the our lady mother of Jesus Christ is the Symbol of our living Everyone’s laughter and squeaks filled my ears when another bucket of water hit our faces. With my eyes still closed I silently thanked for the refreshing cool and joined in on the happy exclamaitions of the crowd.
This years’s village blessing and harvest celebration was postponed due to earlier absence of Rev. Fr. Pedro, parish priest of Chomnoum. After having celebrated the mass with all the villagers present, the procession began. Graceful Apsara dancers and drummers led the way through the streets, from house to house, followed by tractors pulling open carts packed with people of all ages – children, young adults, elderly, priests, nuns and myself. Whenever we passed another home, the family standing in front of their house had a bucket full of water with flower petals ready to splash on us. Everyone was joyful to receive the water blessing and afterwards some kids ran from cart to cart to powder our wet faces with fragrant talg. Oh what fun it was! I have never experienced anything like it, all generations were present, celebrating as one large family, no matter if local or foreigner. When I think back on that day, I immediately remember the smiles on everyone’s face and the laughter. Thank you, dear villagers of Chomnoum, for letting me celebrate this day with you. Easter is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. Easter is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, and it contains the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday (also known as Holy Thursday), commemorating the Last Supper and its preceding foot washing as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Easter is followed by a fifty-day period called Easter tide, or the Easter Season, ending with Pentecost Sunday. On 31 March 2013 in Battambang Catholic parish was celebrate the Easter and baptism to 25 people. Before the Mass start in front the church in the well with the blessing water Mgr. Kike Figarido baptized for 25 people. everyone in standing at the garden religious with smile to welcome to new catholic. Holy Saturday ends the sad season of Lent and opens into the glorious season of Easter. While there is no Mass on Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil Mass takes place after sundown. At the Sacred Heart Shrine, Mass was at 9 p.m. Before the Mass, there was the blessing of new fire. This was held outside the Church within the grounds.. Fire is to represent life and light which is Jesus Christ. The Church was in total darkness and only candles were lit. On 30th March 2013 there are many Catholic people together in Battambang Catholic Parish at 6:30 in front of the chapel waiting for the Holy Saturday celebration. In the dark place there is a new fire from the top of tower through to the grown. It is the light from God. Many people start getting the light and share to other people.
Fr. Totet Banaynal Said: Today It is a great day and we are together in the church waiting for God. To night there are many symbols as the new fire the blessing water, and especially our procession that we did from in front of the chapel to the church. In the procession First we have the cross leads us. And other symbol is A and Ω it means Jesus Christ is the the beginning and end of our life. To night is the speacal night because Jesus Christ was died and resurrect in the Holy Saturday. Do not lost our hope. The word death is not the end of Christ. In the Catholic Church, Good Friday is the day on which we commemorate the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, the act that brought salvation to all who believe. It is the culmination of Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday, and it takes place two days before Easter Sunday. So on 29 March 2013 In Battambang parish there are many Catholic people join the station o the cross in Battambang Catholic parish under the sunshine over 40C. Some people carried the cross, some with the big cross and some with the small cross as they can carry. Some people wear the black dress that showing they are joining with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. They are praying following the steps from first step to forth-teen steps the step of sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Many people they didn't wear the shoes although the weather is very hot. After the station of the cross in the compound parish out side of the church. they enter to the church for salute the cross of Jesus Christ. There is procession of the cross by Fr. Totet Banaynal.
On 28 March 2013 in the evening around 5:00pm. There are many catholic people came to celebrate the holy Thursday in Battambang Catholic parish. There are around 300 people include the children and the elderly people. They are together outside of the church around the well on the beautiful garden for waiting the celebration of the holy Thursday. After the priest washed the feet for all the disciples of Jesus, they start to wash the feet to others people and other people wash to each other with their smile and wishes. It's also the symbols of the Catholic faith to Serve other people as Jesus do for us everyday. After the washing outside the church the Mass is start, they enter to the church to having mass together for the Holy Thursday. Fr. Totet banaynal said in the mass "Today we are very very happy together here to celebrated the Holy Thursday with Jesus Christ and serve the people who we never talk to, who are poor, and who are disable people by washing of their feet. As the pope Francis do today. He enter to in the jail and washing of the prisoners feet. It is the true activities that we all should do for them. I would like you to Everyday you live as the Holy Thursday as today you did it. to serve the other by washing their feet. So in your family and you society you should living as you did today. In the end of the mass there also share the bread from one to other. They are very joyful with there activities. After that there is a procession of the body of Christ around the church and bring the body of Christ to the Garden of Gethsemane. In the full night in the Garden of Gethsemane there are many difference groups and fmaily came to pray in front of the body of Christ. In the Evening On Monday 18 March 2013 at 6:00pm. there was an inauguration of the St. Joseph statue in Battambang parish. There are many people come to mass and after the mass Mrg. Kike was bless the statue with the blessing water. This statue was in front of the church at the right side. you will see next to the well on the garden religious.
On 20 March 2013 there was an inauguration of the building Don Bosco high school in Ondong Chegh Village, Ocha commune Battambang city and battambang province under the leader of Sor kegh.
In this inauguration there were many people around 1000peole join. This high school named Don Bosco high school. They spent 250,000 Dollars for build. there tow building in one building there are 12 rooms. this building was sponsored by German and Holland. Palm Sunday, the final Sunday before Easter Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week. Christian churches distribute palms. On Palm Sunday to commemorate Christ's triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, when palm branches were placed in His path, before His arrest and Crucifixion on Good Friday. On Sunday 24 March 2013 the Battambang Catholic Parish was celebrated the palm Sunday. There is a procession from the Bishop house to the church. There are many Catholic joined in this feast.
Mgr. Kike Figarido said in the mass: Long before Jesus died He made a great sacrifice for us; He gave up who He was as God with all His power and might. so we have to join and pray to the Lord especially in the Holy Week. In this month we had tow groups of the Spanish doctors come and help our people in Battambang prefecture. in one group there are 4 doctors. They are working in Battambang, and Svay Sisopon Province. They come see the general deceases and giving the medical treatment to them. They are working with our welcome Center for the sick. On the 4th February Our Battambang parish also mourn to the king Norodom Sihanouk. There are many Catholic came to church in front of the Norodom Sihanouk s picture after that we start the procession from the front of Bishop House to the Church. There are around 200 Catholics in the Black shirt joined in to the mass with the sorrowful faces.
On 6th and 7th February 2013 Our Catholic parish, Protestant, Buddhist, and Muslim celebrated the pilgrim to the beautiful park of Pjnom Pram Py, Phnom Prek District, Battambang province for the peace and environmental. This pilgrim was celebrated in the three main proposes: - First We join with the government and the world to glorify and principle of peace in our society. To protect of our environment are the places that give us the harmony to our life and other animals. - Second We congratulate to the United Nation that allowed all the countries for celebration of world interfaith harmony week. - Third we also pray for Our hero king Nrodom Sihanouk Spirit. In this pilgrim there are 100 participates from Buddhist, and Muslim, Protestant, Catholic. In the first day we went the cave of the Phnom Pram Py to the know and to see about the beautiful environment, to make our heart to love the environment. In those pagada we also grown the trees and We also Share about the ways that we do for the environment according to the religious. In the Last we pray together for Our Hero King Norodom Sihanouk at the Phnom Pram Py.
Poy Sister Mary Ong is a Khmer sister. she worked in welcome center for the sick in Battambang parish for 1 and heft year. She took care of all the patients that came and need help from our health center. In the name of the parish we would like to say thanks to sister Mary Ong that send her time to help us for 1 and haft year. May God Bless you and your new missionary in Phnom Penh for the new year time. Br. Soo Young is a Jesuit Brother. He comes from Korea. He spends his time in Battambang parish for his mission for 2 year. He work with the youths and children. Especially he takes care for music classes and football program. He teaches the music to the youth and leads them to try hard in their study. So we would like to say thanks to Br. Soo Young that he helps us. May God Bless you and your new Missionary in Korea.
On 26 and 27 January 2013, There is a 250 anniversary of sister providence in world. All sister of providence came to Battambang and celebrate this anniversary. They came and collect some Catholic around the church to meet and meditation together and let them to think about their life. In the Mass Bishop Kike said The Lord give us mercy and lead s to serve the poor people around us. As sister providence do today. They serve the people around the world for 250 years with the people so today is the day that we remind our sisters was create this group for 250 years. We already know that they do it in the faith. they do not need the reward or honor but they do it in the faith and love, give the hope and happiness to the people. Sister Aghas said in after the mass: We are very very happy to be here with all of you. i would like to say thanks to bishop that always support and encourage us in way we work. We always pray for the youth in Cambodia to be brave and respond to the Lord to serve the people and join with our missionary. We open and welcome all of youths that wanted to learn and know about us.
After the there is a small party at providence sister center. they invite some catholic to join with them to congratulate for 250 years anniversary of sister providence. Battambang: Our friends from England came to visit us in Battambang parish. They arrived in battambang parish on Saturday 19 January. After they arrive the stuffs of pastoral with Fr. Totet welcome them by joy and love and brought them around to visit our catholic around the church. On Sunday they are all join in to the holy mass with Fr. Totet and Catholics. before the Mass we also showed on the slide about the activities that we did together between the church in England and Battambang, Cambodia. When Bishop Micheal staying a live. In the end of the mass Father totet introduce to the catholic about the Communicate between both communities. And there also exchange the gift to each other including Khmer transitional dance performance. Fr. Mark said After Bishop Micheal died. Fr. Franco from Cambodia invited me to visit the Catholic in Cambodia. Before i came here i wondered why Bishop Micheal want to visit and like Cambodia?. After i arrived here i really really know that the people in Cambodia is very very smiling and lovely especially here in Battambang. I would like to say thank to the Catholic in Cambodia that teach us and give us the love, experiences and firm in the faith. I hope the gift that we gave to you will be bring us with strong communication to each other between both communities.
Ms. Dam Branha said: We are really happy with your gift that you gave us. and good to see you here also. WE are sad too when we remind to Bishop Micheal. and we will pray for the Bishop Micheal in our Catholic Battambang church. Battambng Parish: On 14-15 January__ All the staffs in the Pastoral Center with Fr, Totet and Br. Francis met to each other to discuss about the Leadership Development Strategy for the prefecture work in more 3 years.
We seek to hone skills that will allow the youths to work together as agents of social change and development in their communities and in Cambodian society. We believe that the next generation of community leaders should be empowered, courageous, freedom-loving, and liberating influences in their communities. In this meeting we found out the three main points. There are Education, Modal, and Opportunity. We hope that strategy will help the youth to be a leadership, and to be brave. Fr. Totet Said: This strategy is going to announce to the other communities in the prefecture to know about it. |
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