Arrupe Welcome Centre for People with Disabilities
Cambodia is one of the countries with the highest number of people with disabilities caused by landmine accidents and preventable childhood diseases like polio, etc.
Arrupe Centre was founded in 2001 to help people with disabilities access education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. Since then the Centre has grown to include 2 more locations named Kalapati (Arrupe 2) and La Paloma (Arrupe 3). Arrupe 1- 3 serve as a welcoming home where youth with disabilities are given food, a place to stay and support in their education. Medical support is also provided as needed. The Outreach team of Arrupe Centre gives social assistance to families of people with disabilities. Support is given through the distribution / repair of wheelchairs, food, shelters and access to healthcare services. Most of the areas included in its work are in Khum Rieng, Prey Thom, Rattanak Mondol and Otagnea. |