With the input and supervision of a dance teacher, 5 Classical Khmer dances were developed for the Catholic Church:
1. Our Father! (ឱ!ព្រះបិតា) Our faith; prayers, and thanksgiving to the Lord, who gave us everything, are expressed. 2. The Holy Spirit (ព្រះដ៏វិសុទ្ធ) The Holy Spirit is celebrated and honored in this dance. Praise is directed to the most mysterious of the three personas of God. 3. Our Mary (ព្រះនាងម៉ារី) In this dance, Mary’s qualities especially her love, charity and care for all is honored. 4. Mary is a Modest Lady (មាតាដ៏សុភាពរាបសារ) We praise and thank the Lord for our Mother Mary who we have received many blessings from, in this dance. The dances follow the Kbach Khmer tradition, preserving classical elements. These dances are now used during liturgical celebrations and other special events of the Church. |
At present, there are 3 dance groups in the Church. They are composed of dancers from ages 5 to 10, 11 to 13, and 14 to 15. They train regularly under the instruction of the dance teacher. Dance seminars are also held every year for interested students who want to learn classical Khmer dances.