Msgr. Tep Im Student Center
The Msgr. Tep Im Student Center is a place that hosts and supports young people as they complete their secondary (Grade 12) and university education in Battambang.
The Center accept students who come from poor families and villages which has no access to a good secondary and/or tertiary level education. The Student Center is named after Msgr. Paul Tep Im Sotha, the first Cambodian Apostolic Prefect of Battambang. He was a teacher and was especially concerned about the youth and education. Every student who are accepted into the Center receive a place to sleep, 3 meals a day, school supplies at the beginning of each school year and financial payment for classes (4 extra learning classes for high school students and full tuition support for university students). They also receive other assistance depending on the need (uniform, bicycle, allowance). |
The Center is supported by the Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang, donors from Australia and other personal donations that the Church receives. It is managed by Fr. Pedro, one of our priests in residence.