KAMPONG KOR: Last 5-11 July 2012, the Kompong Kor Parish in Kompong Kor, Kampong Thom, a training for traditional dancing was held for 40 girls aged 7 to 16 years old. Sister Kanlyan Chatbunyoung from Thailand and Ms. Soun Bunnareth of the Office of Arts and Culture in the Battambang parish lead them in this training.
The training was organized to teach the young girls to learn about Khmer culture and traditional dancing. Soun Bunnareth, the dance teacher, shared “We taught them 6 dances. We have Our Father! (ឱ!ព្រះបិតា), The Holy Spirit (ព្រះដ៏វិសុទ្ធ),Our Mary (ព្រះនាងម៉ារី), NEARY CHEA CHUR(នារីជាជួរ), BOPHA LOK KEY(របាំបុប្ផាលោកកិ៍យ, And blessing dance (របាំជូនពរ). These dances are taught to the young girls who lived around the parish, separated in to 3 groups from 7-9, 12-13, and 13-16 years old. After a week in training, a performance was made in front of the parish community. In the future, these dances will also be performed during special events.
Sr. Kanlyan shared “We are happy that Ms. Sreymom came to teach our children. They loved it, they very happy and always came before the start of class time.”