Annual Retreat of Catholic Priests in Cambodia at Saint Michael Catholic Church of PreahSihanouk Province, Cambodia which is held from June 2-7,2014. 50 of them were presented.
សំណាក់ធម៌ប្រចាំឆ្នាំរបស់បូជាចារ្យព្រះសហគមន៍កាតូលិកទាំងបីភូមិភាគ នៅព្រះសហគមន៍កាតូលិក ខេត្តព្រះសីហនុ ចាប់ពីថ្ងៃទី ០២ ដល់ ថ្ងៃទី ០៧ ខែមិថុនា ២០១៤ មានបូជាចារ្យចូលរូមប្រមាណ ជា ៥០នាក់។ Annual Retreat of Catholic Priests in Cambodia at Saint Michael Catholic Church of PreahSihanouk Province, Cambodia which is held from June 2-7,2014. 50 of them were presented.
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![]() ពិធីអភិបូជាប្រសិទ្ធពរលើប្រេងនៅព្រះសហគមន៌កាតូលិកសន្តយ៉ូសែប (ផ្សារតូច) ដែលមានលោកអភិបាលអូលីយេ លោកអភិបាលអេនរីកេ និង លោកអភិបាល អន់តូនីសាមី និងគ្រីស្តបរិស័ទនៃព្រះសហគមន៍កាតូលិកទាំង៣ភូមិភាគប្រហែលជា ៥០០នាក់ រួមទាំងបូជាចារ្យជាច្រើន ចូលរួមផងដែរកាលពីថ្ងៃទី០៩ មេសា ២០១៤។ On Wednesday morning, 9th April, in Psa Toch Parish in Phnom Penh city, there was a chrism mass which celebrated by all the bishops and priests from the three dioceses. Around 500 Christians attended this mass. Video Link: On 6th and 7th February 2013 Our Catholic parish, Protestant, Buddhist, and Muslim celebrated the pilgrim to the beautiful park of Pjnom Pram Py, Phnom Prek District, Battambang province for the peace and environmental. This pilgrim was celebrated in the three main proposes: - First We join with the government and the world to glorify and principle of peace in our society. To protect of our environment are the places that give us the harmony to our life and other animals. - Second We congratulate to the United Nation that allowed all the countries for celebration of world interfaith harmony week. - Third we also pray for Our hero king Nrodom Sihanouk Spirit. In this pilgrim there are 100 participates from Buddhist, and Muslim, Protestant, Catholic. In the first day we went the cave of the Phnom Pram Py to the know and to see about the beautiful environment, to make our heart to love the environment. In those pagada we also grown the trees and We also Share about the ways that we do for the environment according to the religious. In the Last we pray together for Our Hero King Norodom Sihanouk at the Phnom Pram Py.
Poy |
September 2023