ពិធីអភិបូជាប្រសិទ្ធពរលើប្រេងនៅព្រះសហគមន៌កាតូលិកសន្តយ៉ូសែប (ផ្សារតូច) ដែលមានលោកអភិបាលអូលីយេ លោកអភិបាលអេនរីកេ និង លោកអភិបាល អន់តូនីសាមី និងគ្រីស្តបរិស័ទនៃព្រះសហគមន៍កាតូលិកទាំង៣ភូមិភាគប្រហែលជា ៥០០នាក់ រួមទាំងបូជាចារ្យជាច្រើន ចូលរួមផងដែរកាលពីថ្ងៃទី០៩ មេសា ២០១៤។
On Wednesday morning, 9th April, in Psa Toch Parish in Phnom Penh city, there was a chrism mass which celebrated by all the bishops and priests from the three dioceses. Around 500 Christians attended this mass.
Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=574421695998002
On Wednesday morning, 9th April, in Psa Toch Parish in Phnom Penh city, there was a chrism mass which celebrated by all the bishops and priests from the three dioceses. Around 500 Christians attended this mass.
Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=574421695998002